About us

Celebrating our 23rd Anniversary.

Goldboerse.ch was founded in 1996 with headquaters in Basel, Switzerland. It is a leader in the trade of gold, silver, platinum and precious metals exchange and recycling, as well as in trading fairly used jewelry and watches.


'A good name is more precious than Gold' - guided by this principle, we are always striving to provide services to our customers that add value, our determination is to render the best services to our customers, with precision, accountability and honesty.


The quest for excellence is reflected in the loyalty of tens of thousands of Swiss and international clients who entrust us with their precious metals and appreciate our services. We have won multiple awards from consumer magazines and honored with the title 'Award Winner', we see this as an incentive to continuity.


Goldboerse.ch has a stable cash flow and guarantees cash payments at any level. Through rapid recycling processes, we reduce and prevent any price or rate speculation. That's what distinguishes Goldboerse.ch as a strong and stable service company.

"Test winner Kassensturz"
Accuracy - Conscientiousness - Honesty









Your competent contact person.

Pierre Seker

General Direktor

Chantal Eichenberger

Precious Metals Purchase

Peter Bernhardt

Goldsmith / Polishing

Lasma Kupla



Feb 29, 2016

Silver is The Dark Horse!

When I look at the $8 billion that's gone into gold funds THIS month, you couldn't begin to get that into silver in a year! There's only 25 million ounces of silver on the COMEX and that's worth only $400 million; you'd clean out the COMEX! I think only 20% of silver is available for investment, so that's only 160 million ounces! (Eric Sprott - Sprott Asset Management).

Sep 20, 2015

Goldschmuck auf Ricardo

Die Goldboerse.ch stellt seit kurzem günstige und neuwertige Schmuckstücke und Juwelen aus zweiter Hand auf der Auktionsplatform Ricardo aus. Jede Woche kommen neue Schmuckstücke hinzu, welche auf ihre Echtheit geprüft und einer strengen Qualitätskontrolle unterzogen wurden. Das Sortiment reicht von Markenschmuck wie Bulgari, Cartier, Chopard, Gübelin, Pomelatto über Einzelanfertigungen namhafter Goldschmiede bis hin zu antikem Art Deco und Jugendstil Schmuck. Um zu unserem Sortiment zu gelangen, kann einfach der Suchbegriff Goldboerse eingegeben werden und los geht's mit dem Bieten.

Aug 22, 2015


Jetzt direkter Zugang zur Edelmetall Börse mit MetalDesk.
Die Goldboerse gewährt Ihren Kunden Zugang zur MetalDesk Plattform, welche direkt mit der weltweiten Edelmetall Börse online verbunden ist. So können Kunden der Goldboerse Basel, physisches Gold, Silber und Platin auf sichere Art und Weise, von jedem Ort der Welt online handeln. Investieren Sie mit MetalDesk sicher in Edelmetalle Ihrer Wahl, rund um die Uhr von Montag bis Freitag. Echtzeit Preise und sofortige Aushebung der Bestellung per Knopfdruck geben unseren Kunden die Fähigkeit, sich für jede Handelsgelegenheiten Vorteile zu verschaffen. Informieren Sie sich jetzt unter MetalDesk.

Jul 1, 2015

Öffnungszeiten Monat Juli

Während dem Monat Juli hat die Goldboerse unregelmässig geöffnet. Die erste Juli Woche bleibt das Unternehmen wegen Betriebsferien geschlossen. Während der zweiten sowie dritten Juli Woche haben wir verkürzte Arbeitswochen und jeweils vom 7.-9. sowie 14.-16. (DI-DO) geöffnet. Ab dem 21. Juli ist das Geschäft wieder regulär besuchbar. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis und wünschen einen schönen Sommer 2015.

Jun 12, 2015

Neuer Webauftritt

Die Webseite wurde auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Sie soll dem Kunden und Nutzer eine klarere Übersicht verschaffen und die wichtigsten Informationen werden der Reihe nach aufgezeigt. Neue Dienstleistungen wie der MetalDesk und Angebote wurden hinzugefügt. Unter Angebote finden sind guterhaltene und besonders preiswerte Schmuckstücke aus zweiter Hand. 
Wir werden auch über wichtige Veränderungen rund um das Börsengeschehen berichten und unsere Kunden stets mit den neuesten Aktualitäten informieren.





satisfied customers







Scrap gold is a collective term for gold ware made of gold that no longer fulfills its purpose (out of fashion, defective jewelry, heirlooms etc.). Goldboerse.ch buys gold ware, scrap gold and precious metals to the highest price and current daily rates.

The purchase of gold ware / precious metals is made directly on the spot. The client is served immediately and the money instantly paid in cash or transferred on request to client’s bank account. Customers are provided with results of the analysis and as desired, the stones contained in the gold ware may be removed and returned.



In order to always take into account the customer's wishes, well-preserved jewelery and watches are sold on behalf of customers. This allows higher yields. To avoid dead stock, the duration is kept short within three to six months. A choice selection of valuable, rare and unique jewelry pieces will be presented to a great and regular clientele. Cheap prices, an attractive assortment and short exhibition times, lead to regular window-shopping and increasingly happy change of ownership.



Another much appreciated and liked customer service are the ideas and skills of our goldsmith. Any work, repairs and amendments towards remakes are done by a true connoisseur of the goldsmith craft, by our goldsmith with over 40 years of experience. Refreshing and maintaining a heirloom may be of emotional importance and so still give joy for many more years.


Who gains insight into the world of numismatics (coins), opens up to a greater understanding of the history of money and gold. Anyone who looks further back into the history of mankind, is expected to also have a better foresight. A lively trade in gold and silver coins is part of the daily business of Goldboerse.ch.



Who appreciates his gold leaves it with us for estimates. Verbal estimates are free and are essential prior to the sale of scrap gold. Estimates help to find orientation in terms of authenticity, price and value. Law firms and community of heirs let heirlooms be estimated in writing which is chargeable.

Diamonds and valuable gems are certified by the SSEF.



Trading physical precious metals from your home. Gold bars and coins, silver and platinum can now be traded easily and conveniently from your computer.

On our trading platform for precious metal articles, anyone who is in possession of a bank account, can trade allocated physical precious metal products of Swiss refineries and international mints. With vaults in New York, London, Zurich, Istanbul, Dubai, Shanghai, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Sydney, Auckland.

Your message


Goldboerse.ch Basel
Schifflände 3
CH-4051 Basel
+41 61 262 37 38
+41 76 567 40 56
(opposite NESPRESSO)

office hours:
Monday - Friday
10:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 18:00
Saturday: closed